• Any full-time University of Michigan student, whether undergraduate, graduate, or professional, is eligible to apply for the Telluride House scholarship.

  • The scholarship includes full room and board (a place to live and food) for up to five years.

  • A: Scholarship requirements can change from term to term, but generally include maintaining a certain grade point average (GPA), meeting community standards, and contributing to House life. For exact details on scholarship requirements, please see our scholarship page.

  • Student applications are accepted during the fall application cycle. For more information, please see our application page.

  • The House can room up to 30 students, although there are usually are around 25-28 students living in the house. In addition, we also have private suites for up to three faculty guests as well as guest rooms for visitors.

  • The Telluride House is located at 1735 Washtenaw Avenue in Ann Arbor, MI. The House is within 10-minute walking distance of the University’s Central Campus. House members typically walk, bike, or take the bus to get to campus.

  • Yes! In Telluride House, we call it “rustication”. It basically means that you’re not going to be living in the House for a specific amount of time (usually one or two semesters), but that you intend to come back. Rustication can be used for study abroad, to experience dorm life, or for unforeseen personal circumstances.

  • The process consists of two parts: application reading and interviews.

    In the first stage, every candidate’s application is read 5-6 times by randomly assigned house members. Each candidate receives an overall ranking based on the strength of the essays, awards, references, and community service, among other factors. Then we have a formal meeting to decide who gets an interview.

    In the second stage, house members conduct interviews (usually an hour in length; phone interviews are possible) with the candidates who were selected at that meeting. Then we have another formal meeting in which we choose whom to offer spots in the house, based on the combined strength of the written application and the interview.

  • No. Although the House naturally tends towards a diverse mix of people, there are no systematic biases or quotas in place to give anyone a “leg up”.